We are committed to creating a holistic educational experience that combines academic excellence with spiritual growth.
Our Core Values:
- Prophetic Character: We are inspired by our Prophet (PBUH). We act and behave with humility, empathy, and compassion. We strive to emulate the Prophet's exemplary character in all aspects of life.
- Entrepreneurial Spirit: We are bold, courageous and take initiative where we see opportunity. We take calculated risks in pursuit of our goals. We celebrate and learn from failure.
- Relentless Learning: We are boundlessly curious and continuously striving to learn. We view every experience as an opportunity for reflection, learning, self-discovery and growth in character and wisdom.
- Global Citizenship: We possess a global consciousness. We actively engage with our local and international community and collaborate with others to promote peace, sustainability, and fairness for our planet.
- Mastery: We strive for mastery in every facet of our lives; be it in our spiritual practice, academic pursuits, or interpersonal conduct