We are committed to creating a holistic educational experience that combines academic excellence with spiritual growth.

Our Vision

Our learners are pioneers of the future, inspired by our Islamic faith, driven to achieve for the betterment of humanity.

Our Mission

Unity Grammar instils the prophetic legacy in our learners, nurturing the leaders of the future with the foundational and emerging skills for an ever-evolving world.

Our Core Values:

  • Prophetic Character: We are inspired by our Prophet (PBUH). We act and behave with humility, empathy, and compassion. We strive to emulate the Prophet's exemplary character in all aspects of life.
  • Entrepreneurial Spirit: We are bold, courageous and take initiative where we see opportunity. We take calculated risks in pursuit of our goals. We celebrate and learn from failure.
  • Relentless Learning: We are boundlessly curious and continuously striving to learn. We view every experience as an opportunity for reflection, learning, self-discovery and growth in character and wisdom.
  • Global Citizenship: We possess a global consciousness. We actively engage with our local and international community and collaborate with others to promote peace, sustainability, and fairness for our planet.
  • Mastery: We strive for mastery in every facet of our lives; be it in our spiritual practice, academic pursuits, or interpersonal conduct

Our Focus

At Unity Grammar, learners are encouraged to engage in a variety of disciplines, from STEM to the arts, while developing a strong sense of community and social responsibility. As an Islamic school, we extend our purpose beyond academia to nurture both minds and hearts, guided by a Prophetic legacy that encompasses  kindness, compassion, and integrity in our actions. The Unity Difference is encapsulated in our core values, which unite us and serve as the cornerstone of our journey.