Asalam Alaykom Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu. Welcome to Unity.
In 2005, a group of entrepreneurial families came together and contemplated where they could send their children for schooling. Those families had a dream - they wanted an environment which nurtured in their children a deep love of Islam while giving them all the tools necessary for them to be leaders in the new world.
One of those families found a plot of land and offered to purchase it and they decided to build it together. And the rest as they say is history.
Those families and the numerous families that believed in the vision was the foundation for Unity Grammar.
A thriving reputable Islamic school that nurtures the pioneers of the future.
As the four founding board members, we have spent the past two decades to build the right team, governance structures and roadmap for a truly remarkable school.
I thank my colleagues who gave their blood, sweat and tears and invested countless hours along with their families to bring this school to where it is now.